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Councilor: More digitalization efforts eyed in next SOCA

COUNCILOR Bonz Andrei Militar expressed gratitude to Mayor Sebastian Duterte for recognizing the digitalization efforts of the city council in his State of the City Address (SOCA).

While the mayor mentioned numerous achievements in the digitalization projects in his SOCA, Militar said there is more to go.

“Actually daghan tag mga gibuhat for digitalization, wala lang sya nakaya for this SOCA but I think it will be included for the next SOCA [next year],” Militar told reporters.

The Information Technology Committee chairman said they are finalizing the digitalization of the Local Civil Registry (LCR) specifically the funding for the system.

The councilor shared digitalizing the LCR will ease the process of acquiring documents from the LCR as it can be done online.

Duterte also hinted during his SOCA that the unified Dabawenyo card will be available before the year ends. 

Government services such as calamity financial assistance, emergency cash assistance, senior citizen benefits, and universal health care program benefits can be availed in the card.

Ginapangitaan nato asa i-agi ang cards, nga dili ta maka-gasto kay namention gyud ni Mayor nga free atong cards,” he said.

Militar added the City Information and Technology Center (CITC) has already developed the system, however, the ordinance for its implementation will be presented in the next session.

Dabawenyos will be prioritized in the services from the card, however, it cannot be used as a valid ID, he said. 

The mayor also lauded the modernization of the city council’s legislative process through the less-paper session system as one of the initiatives of the government to go green. Militar said the system reduces paper use from 700 reams of paper per month down to 5 reams. However, going paperless is not possible as hard copies are still required by national law. 

Meanwhile, phase 1 and 2 of the Legislative Information Support System Program (LISSP) is already done and the beta testing will be conducted this month, he said.

Along with the reopening of the session hall, councilors were provided the tablets they could use during the session. 

The SP Office of the Secretary has appropriated P4,836,570 to upgrade the LISSP and procure 30 units of portable devices (tablets), eight units of laptops (for stenographers), one document camera, six units of access points, a cloud subscription, one unit generation firewall, enterprise broadband internet access, and development cost.


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