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Councilor Javi Campos runs for Congress under Marcos’ PFP

INCUMBENT Councilor Augusto Javier Campos III filed his candidacy as 2nd District representative.

Campos registered his name under Partido Federal ng Pilipinas (PFP)–the political party of President Ferdinand Marcos Jr–on the seventh day of filing of the certificate of candidacy at Magsaysay Park here.

The councilor previously ran under the umbrella of the Hugpong sa Tawong Lungsod (HTL).

Ang trabaho sa mga kongresista, as a law-making body, and its very important to be part of the majority, mao’y rason nga naghawa ko sa Hugpong, nibalhin sa Partido Federal ng Pilipinas,” he told reporters.

He added the change of parties has been a personal decision, and a collective decision of the family through the consultation of the PFP secretary general, his uncle, Rod Albano.

While he recognized the sentiments of the people regarding his change of allies, he said  “As the representative of the 2nd district, the loyalty and service is truly to the people of Davao.”

He added running for Congress after being in the city council for six years was not an easy decision, but the family decided he would be the new bearer of the Garcia clan.

“Right now I’m really focused on this congressional race because this is the first time that I will run for congressman,” he said.

He declined to give a hint of who will run as mayor under the party.

He said there were no talks with the Nograles clan regarding the mayoralty bid. However, Civil Service Commission chair Atty. Karlo Nograles accompanied the councilor in the Comelec, a decision frowned upon by many considering his government position.

Campos said he would focus on infrastructure, education, and healthcare, particularly laws that benefit barangay health workers and purok leaders who were the frontliners, especially during the pandemic.

He also plans to lobby for more funding to modernize the equipment at the Southern Philippines Medical Center.

When asked if he sought the consent of Mayor Sebastian Duterte and Vice Mayor J. Melchor Quitain, the councilor said they had a “heartfelt talk” about it.

He is certain that Garcias and Dutertes will not part as both families have “always worked for the service of the people.”

“I trust that the Duterte family, and I as a representative of the Garcias, we’ll work hard to serve for the betterment of the Davaoeños,” he added.

The incumbent second district councilor filed his reelection on Oct. 6, 2021, for the 2022 elections under the Hugpong ng Pagbabago party. Meanwhile, former President Rodrigo Duterte endorsed him and Congressman Vincent Garcia in April 2022. 

It can be noted that Councilor Diosdado Angelo Mahipus Jr called out Campos after the latter was seen at the Alyansa Para Sa Bagong Pilipinas Convention–where Partido Federal ng Pilipinas, Lakas-Christian Muslim Democrats, Nationalist People’s Coalition, National Unity Party, and Nacionalista Party signed an alliance manifesto for the 2025 polls. 

Photo by Bing Gonzales


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