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Civil registrar’s office touts mobile registration success

The City Civil Registrar’s Office (CCRO) surpassed the annual quota for mobile registration last year as it registered a total of 1,600 individuals by end of 2018.Last year, the office bared a plan to achieve 100% of its annual target of mobile birth registration of 1,500. They exceeded this target by 100.

Leslie Lagare, CCRO mobile head in charge, said about 75% of the registered individuals were indigenous people (IPs) living in far-flung areas and remote villages.

The mobile registration is a continuous effort of the CCRO to reach out IPs who are too far to visit and register themselves at their office.

In 2019, the office already conducted mobile registration in Paquibato District, Calinan District and Marilog District.

“Last week we’ve been to Barangay Bantol, Paquibato proper, Fatima, and Tugbok. Early January we go to Suawan,” Lagare said.

Lagare explained that they base their mobile registration according to the request of each barangay which means, they only conduct registration on areas they get a request from.

Next week, the CCRO will be conducting mobile registration in Barangay Tomas Monteverde, Barangay Bato, Barangay Cadalian, Barangay Tungkalan, Barangay Pangyan and Barangay Pandaitan.

The CCRO will also conduct mobile registration in Barangay Baganihan in order to cater to more IPs.

It was recently reported that more Matisalug tribe members in the said barangay remain unregistered up to now.

“We wanted to conduct registration that is not on the same day with their araw (charter day) because there are also other activities on that day. It’s hard to get their attention,” she said.

The CCRO has yet to receive a request from Baganihan so for now, they will be focusing on areas in their list.


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