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Business chambers, Davao Light gather for power forum



FOUR INFLUENTIAL business chambers tackled the contentious issue of electricity during a one-day activity, Joint Foreign Chambers Power Forum, headed by Davao Light and Power Co. president and COO Rodger Velasco at the Build Human Capitol Hall on May 17, 2024.

The four groups were the American Chamber of Commerce, the Japanese Chamber of Commerce, the European Chamber of Commerce, and the Canadian Chamber of Commerce. Officials and representatives discussed the present power situation in Mindanao, especially in Davao City.

During the forum, participants and resource speakers touched on the El Niño phenomenon and how it’s affecting the price of electricity. The extreme drought reduced the production capacity of hydroelectric sources to as low as 50‰, resulting in a limited supply.

Another factor contributing to the P1.6254 per kWh rise in Davao Light and Power Co., Inc. in household electricity is the increase in the ticket price at the Wholesale Electricity Spot Market (WESM).

Davao Light encouraged consumers to employ good practices and control their energy consumption to avoid expensive bills. For instance, households can save power by investing in energy-efficient appliances and lighting fixtures and minimizing the usage of high-wattage equipment. Finally, Davao Light reminded the public that opening windows and drapes to let fresh air in can keep the house cool on hot and muggy days.



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