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Budget explained

  • Contested P354-M CSWDO budget “exhaustively scrutinized”


The contested P354 million under the City Social Welfare and Development Office (CSWDO) was a “well-considered allocation” before being passed for third reading, a councilor said Tuesday.

Councilor Myrna Dalodo-Ortiz Chair of the Finance, Ways and Means committee, clarified the proposed budget is for welfare goods & food distribution, contrary to claims it will be used solely for seminars, food, and venue.

Ortiz said that as per Julie Dayaday, CSWDO OlC’s explanation during the budget hearing on the August 7 special session the allocated budget is not just for seminars and no expenditure for the venue will be utilized.

She emphasized this was also reflected in the Committee Report submitted by the Committee on Finance, Ways, and Means, and Appropriations.

“The bulk of the amount was allocated purposely for welfare goods and food distribution to various sectors involved in this capability-building activity, specifically the Indigenous Peoples, Persons With Disabilities (PWDs), Solo Parents, Senior Citizens, Women, Children, and other disadvantaged groups living in the 182 barangays of Davao City,” she added.

The capability-building activity will be participated by 72,000 IPs, 143,393 senior citizens, 6,680 solo parents, 14,436 PWDs, and 78,146 women.

According to Ortiz, it aims to enhance the knowledge and understanding of these sectors’ members concerning their rights and responsibilities laid in several existing laws and regulations.

She added that the essential supplies will compensate them for their participation in the program and the comparison made between the budget of the CSWDO and other programs like PWD Programs, traffic light rehabilitation, Lingap programs, and Flood Control and Drainage Systems is “unfounded.”

These programs, on the other hand, have been allocated a significant amount sufficient for their implementation needs.

The proposed budget for the CSWDO for its Capability Building on Sectoral Issuances and Existing Programs amounting to P354,395,300.00, was approved by the 20th City Council in its third and final reading of Supplemental Budget 1 on August 13.

In the funding requirements, the budget of the Capability Building was divided into two, with welfare goods expenses totaling P326,052,300.00, while the other supplies and materials expenses totaled P28,343,000.

However, Councilor Bernard Al-ag questioned the allocation for capacity building as it is “excessive,” if only intended for activity expenses such as venue and food for seminars, according to a representative from the department.

Al-ag in his statement on Aug. 16, stressed the amount is unreasonable as it fails to prioritize more immediate concerns.

Councilor Jesus Joseph Zozobrado, majority floor leader told reporters on Tuesday, that Al-ag’s move saying he is “politicized” for opposing SB 1 is “reckless and irresponsible.”

“For me, I do not have any ill- feelings towards him, I respect him, but I think it is reckless and irresponsible to state it that way and even to the point baseless,” he said.

Zozobrado added this causes suspicion that there is another motive for that, citing that Al-ag took a swipe at some city council members saying they immediately said “Yes” without reading the ordinance prior, just to defend himself in his “No” vote for SB 1.

Only Al-ag objected to SB 1, out of 17 councilors present during the third and final reading of SB 1. Meanwhile, 15 councilors voted “Yes,” while Councilor Nilo Abellera abstained.

“For me kung mo-depensa ka sa imong sarili, depensa lang, pero ayaw panda-ot sa uban, for me its baseless, reckless and malicious,” he said.

Zozobrado said that Al-ag could have filed a motion for reconsideration with his grounds, rather he supported the ordinance during the 2nd reading and questioned the proposal on the third reading.

The councilor added if Al-ag did not want to be labeled countering the approval of SB 1, then he should have abstained from voting.

He said Al-ag cannot diminish the idea that even though he objected only to a portion of the proposal, he objected to the totality of the item.

SB 1 totaled P2,215,702,297.50, comprising the budget under the general fund proper (P951,881,151.77), the development fund of P1,236,373,079.57, and economic enterprises (P27,448,086.16).


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