WITH the seemingly endless days we stayed home, especially the children who were kept indoors away from crowds for two long years, it was such a relief when the resorts in Samal Island let go of their strict measures and restrictions for the elderly and the children.

As Holy Week was spent in prayer and religious ceremonies, Easter Sunday was a celebration we enjoyed with all the activities prepared by Chema’s By the Sea in the Island Garden City of Samal, now managed by Discovery Shores.

The boat ride from the Waterfront Insular Hotel Davao Jetty took only a few minutes across the calm waters of Davao Gulf. Welcome drinks were handed to us upon arrival at the resort, which made us feel relaxed and refreshed.
.A Dog Training Demonstration from Dog Training Institute was at the top of the scheduled activities of the day, with a Pet Selfie contest, a Pet Show /Best in Show Pets.
After partaking of a sumptuous lunch the children scampered off to the garden, where brightly-painted eggs were hidden under the bushes for the exciting Egg Hunt.

The mothers had a thrilling part of the game, coaching their kids where to search for eggs and look for the biggest egg which had the grand prize of the day – an overnight stay at the resort.
An Egg Art Painting activity for kids followed at the restaurant and a. Pizza-making session led by Pastry Chef Mymy which they enjoyed after tasting their own crispy pizza with pineapple, ham and cheese.

The white sand and the calm waters drew us to the beach in the afternoon, where even just wading or floating in the water gave us such a relaxing feeling, away from the noise of the city.
The evening was spent in the cool cabana located adjacent to the dining area, where dinner was prepared by our favorite Chef Mikhail Anthony Prada Rioflorido and Mark Anthony Camo, F & B Service Team Lead. Resort Manager Jessica Segura joined us for dinner, too.
Good news is that there will be an Early Bird Promo for June and July Bookings 20% off if reservations are made this month for a stay in June or July.