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Baste slams ‘abuse of authority’ in relief of 35 DCPO personnel

MAYOR Sebastian Duterte called the recent relief of 35 Davao City Police Office personnel as an abuse of power. 

The personnel in question are being investigated by the Regional Internal Affairs Service after seven suspects were killed in separate police operations.

“I condemn the recent decision to relieve thirty-five police personnel, including six station commanders, and city director Col. Richard Bad-ang from their duties. This move, supposedly in connection with an investigation into a buy-bust operation, appears to be an abuse of power from higher authorities,” Duterte said.

He said the DCPO has consistently shown remarkable effectiveness in maintaining peace and order in our city.

” Our records indicate a significant 69% decrease in focus crimes comparing May CY 2023 to May CY 2024. This accomplishment reflects the dedication and competence of our police force, working hand in hand with my administration,” he said.

He said it’s “disheartening” to witness such disruptive actions within the law enforcement agencies.

The chief executive cited Republic Act 6975, which states that “City and Municipal mayors shall exercise operational supervision and control over the PNP units in their respective jurisdictions.” 

“My active involvement emphasizes my dedication to collaborating with law enforcement to maintain peace and order in Davao City,” he added.

The mayor further said the recent actions taken against the relieved personnel contradicted the spirit of cooperation and mutual trust crucial for effective governance and law enforcement.

“I oppose any efforts to undermine the hard-earned trust between our community and law enforcement. These recent developments serve as a stark reminder of the dangers of unchecked authority. I call for transparency and accountability in handling this matter and for the immediate reinstatement of the unfairly relieved officers,” he said.

File Photo: Bing Gonzales


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