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AFP’s EastMinCom has key role in peace

The Armed Forces of the Philippines’ Eastern Mindanao Command (EastMinCom) has significantly contributed to maintaining peace and security in its area of responsibility, particularly in the Davao region.

Locals have expressed increased reassurance and safety due to the presence of government forces.

During the “Kapihan sa Bagong Pilipinas” forum, EastMinCom Commander Lt. Gen. Rex Luis Bergante highlighted the command’s success in internal security operations.

“For the past four years, we have effectively addressed internal security concerns. In fact, just yesterday (August 12), we formally dismantled the last NPA Guerrilla Front, Guerrilla Front 30, in Surigao del Sur,” he said.

The focus now shifts to “healing and reconciliation to alleviate the pain caused by the 50-year insurgency,” Bergante added.

The government is committed to supporting those who have returned through an enhanced integration program.

EastMinCom covers three regions: 10, 11, and 13.

Also, the 10th Infantry Division, under Major General Allan Hambala, has successfully dismantled all guerrilla fronts and vertical units within its area of responsibility, ahead of the deadline set by higher headquarters.

The division is now concentrating its efforts on pursuing the remaining members of these dismantled groups—estimated to be fewer than 20 individuals—who are currently at large outside the Davao region before the end of September.

Hambala emphasized the division’s focus on stability and sustainment operations to prevent the resurgence of rebel groups and discourage recruitment.

Brig. Gen. Frederick Cutler, commander of the Tactical Operations Wing Eastern Mindanao, highlighted their primary role in supporting ground troops for peacekeeping and ensuring public safety.

He shared a touching story: “A mother from Davao called to express her gratitude for the professionalism of our soldiers at checkpoints. She said the community felt safe seeing the friendly forces.”

This feedback underscores the AFP’s positive impact on peace and security in the region.

As of August 12, six provinces (Davao del Norte, Davao Oriental, Davao del Sur, Davao de Oro, Davao Occidental, and Surigao del Norte), two municipalities (Kadingilan and San Fernando in Bukidnon), and Davao City have been declared insurgency-free within EastMinCom’s area of responsibility.

Bergante noted that Surigao del Sur and Agusan del Norte are also nearing insurgency-free status, pending the fulfillment of certain parameters, including the surrender of a specific number of NPA members and firearms.

The guerrilla fronts are weakening and nearing collapse due to ongoing military operations in the area.

Currently, EastMinCom is concentrating on healing and reconciliation efforts in the areas liberated from insurgency.

From January to August, they recorded the surrender of 241 regular NPA members, 56 Milisya ng Bayan members, and 270 firearms. Additionally, 25 anti-personnel mines were seized during this period.


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