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AdDU UCEAC urges students and residents for voters registration

The University Community Engagement and Advocacy (UCEAC) of the Ateneo de Davao University (AdDU) encouraged the public to attend the university’s satellite voter registration on August 16.

On August 12, at the Kapehan sa Dabaw, AdDU UCEAC director Mark Samante highlighted that voter registration is urgent as the filing of candidacy is near and voter registration ends on August 31.

AdDU UCEAC partnered with the Commission on Elections XI (COMELEC) to request a satellite voter registration on their campus. COMELEC will facilitate voter registration and updates of records, as well as accommodate transfers of precincts.

Samante encourages students who are not yet registered voters to participate and exercise their right to vote. He added that the satellite voter registration is open not only to Ateneo students but to all residents of Davao City.

“For those students who will be here during the election season and who would be registered in the city, [COMELEC] will cater to them even if they are from outside of Davao City,” he said.

Last May, the first satellite voter registration was held at the AdDU Senior High campus, with 175 new and updated registrations. Samante hopes to double the number of registrations for the satellite voter registration this August 16.

The AdDU UCEAC will also launch a Blue Vote program for the communities in September to tackle topics on political and voter education.

“As an academe, our responsibility is to share what is mandated by law regarding the selection of candidates and what we, as voters of the country, should do,” he said.

The satellite voter registration will be at AdDU’s Arrupe Hall, Jacinto campus, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

File Photo: Bing Gonzales


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