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AFP: VP Duterte’s security a matter of life and death, trust is key

THE ARMED Forces of the Philippines (AFP) stressed that Vice President Sara Duterte has the right to choose a security detail she trusts because her life is at stake.

This explained the need for the vice president’s 400 security personnel, which has been questioned by several sectors. 

The AFP agrees that the vice president should choose her own security detail, following the controversial removal of 75 PNP personnel from her detail to address the shortage of police officers in Metro Manila.

The remaining 45 police personnel were reportedly unfamiliar to VP Sara and she was uncomfortable with them ensuring her safety were also recalled to the PNP.

In an interview with SMNI, AFP spokesperson Col. Francel Margareth Padilla said it’s best for Duterte to choose her close-in security, especially in uncertain situations.

“So really your trusted ones, it really can be somebody she is really comfortable with because that’s the person who’s gonna offer their life for you,” she said.

She cited the assassination attempt on former US President Donald Trump, which proved that anyone is vulnerable.

The official also clarified that aside from ensuring the smooth official travels of the vice president, the security detail also includes the security of her family, especially since she is the second-highest official in the country.

She said the 400 members of her security team are spread out across the country and each of them is only activated whenever Duterte is present.

“We have standard deployments there, we have EOD teams, bomb experts, with training on what your role is, not all of them are there with her, some are in advance, some clear the area, some protect the outer layers, some are deployed way in advance like you know food testers, there are many roles, so really when you total that number it depends on the commander how much they will be requesting,” she further explained.

On the other hand, some PNP officials have decided to allow VP Sara to choose police officers who were previously part of her security detail.

This is in response to Senator Ronald Dela Rosa’s request to give Duterte the freedom to choose her security.

VP Duterte has more security personnel than the President? 

Meanwhile, the assertion that Vice President Sara  Duterte has more security personnel is factually incorrect, according to an army official.

According to an Army official, by design and necessity, the Presidential Security Command (PSC) is a larger and more complex unit than the Vice Presidential Security and Protection Group (VPSPG), reflecting the differing levels of security required for the President and the Vice President.

The PSC, formerly the Presidential Security Group (PSG), has an estimated number of more or less 4,000 security forces. 

It is a significantly more extensive and comprehensive security unit. 

Recently, he said the PSG was renamed and institutionalized as PSC with General Order number 1955 of GHQ, AFP; the PSC includes distinct units from the AFP [Philippine Army, Philippine Navy (Fleet), Philippine Navy (Marines), and Philippine Air Force], Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP), Philippine National Police (PNP), Philippine Coast Guard (PCG), Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA), and the Civilian Human Resource (CHR). 

This comprehensive structure reflects the PSC’s capacity to provide the President with extensive security coverage, instilling confidence in the general public about the safety measures.

On the other hand, the VPSPG was activated as the AFP-Wide Service Support Unit on June 30, 2022, under General Orders 917 of the General Headquarters (GHQ), Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP). 

The said unit, smaller in scale compared to a command unit level, is responsible for the security of the Vice President of the Philippines.

It comprises AFP personnel and is supplemented by the Vice-Presidential Protection Division (VPPD), provided voluntarily through the National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM) with General Orders DPL-22-22 dated December 9, 2022—currently, the AFP is the only unit comprising VPSPG, which makes up only 7.5 percent out of the total number of security forces of the President.

The army official said that it is crucial to note that the VPSPG can only be rescinded if the Department of National Defense (DND) and the AFP deem it ineffective and irrelevant.

He said this action underscores the strategic importance of the VPSPG and the meticulous planning behind the security measures, providing reassurance about the thoroughness of the approach.

Moreover, the VPSPG and PSC are comprised of security forces and administrative and support staff who manage their respective security operations’ logistical and operational needs.

 It ensures that both units function efficiently and effectively, inculcating reliability in their security operations.

In conclusion, he said it is imperative to clarify the distinctions and underline the AFP’s unwavering commitment to the structured approach taken to ensure the safety of

the National leaders of the Philippines, establishing integrity and credibility 

Moreover, the army official said the Vice President of the Philippines is actively engaged in a wide range of activities across both urban centers and remote barangays to deliver essential services, necessitating strong security measures. 

Given the diverse locations she operates in, he said sufficient security is imperative to safeguard her movements. 

The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) diligently assess potential threats to proactively mitigate risks to the Vice President. 

As the second-highest official in the government, he said her security holds significant importance not only for her well-being but also for the overall national stability of the Philippines.



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