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Davao police vow ‘non-negotiable’ Kadayawan security with enhanced measures, constant improvement

THE DAVAO City Police Office (DCPO) intensified intelligence monitoring and conducted simulation exercises with other law enforcement agencies to ensure security for the upcoming Kadayawan Festival.

Acting city director Colonel Hansel Marantan emphasized a five-step crisis management strategy: Predict, Prevent, Prepare, Perform, and Post-action assessment. 

He stressed the importance of proactive measures, such as predicting and preventing potential threats, particularly terrorist acts like bombings.

In an interview on Monday, he highlighted the importance of the “Five Ps” crisis management strategy, a standard operating procedure in the PNP manual. 

He reiterated the steps: predict potential threats, prevent them, prepare for them, perform when necessary, and assess after the fact.

Marantan also highlighted the need to analyze data from the previous year’s festival to anticipate and address potential issues like increased crime rates.

He urged officers to strengthen counter-intelligence efforts, utilize force multipliers, and collaborate with other support units and agencies.

The Acting police chief advised officers on the ground to not hesitate to question individuals respectfully while being prepared for any eventuality, acknowledging the potential dangers of such encounters.

In the event of a security breach, Marantan emphasized the importance of being prepared to perform and respond effectively, stressing the need for physical fitness and simulation exercises.

 He also reminded station commanders to be vigilant in drug operations.

Following any incident, a thorough post-action assessment would be conducted, including a SWOT analysis to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

Marantan concluded his message by reiterating that the security of Dabawenyos is non-negotiable and that everyone must do their part to ensure a safe and successful Kadayawan festival.

During Monday’s flag-raising ceremony at Camp Capt. Domingo Eleonor, Colonel Marantan addressed officers with a message on security priorities, particularly for the Kadayawan festival.

“The security of Dabawenyos is non-negotiable, we better do it or will be sorry, all of us will be sorry if we do not do our part,” Col. Marantan said.

Moreover, the police chief noted that security measures for Kadayawan have been in place for 36 years, with the police constantly improving upon any weaknesses identified in previous years.

 He acknowledged that while there are no known threats at the moment, this does not guarantee their absence.



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