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Red Tide alert lifted in DavOcc

The Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) 11 has lifted the Red Tide alert in Davao Occidental after it failed to find traces of the toxins during its latest monitoring activities.

The agency confirmed over the weekend that Santa Maria, Davao Occidental were free of toxins during laboratory testing.

“Our red tide shellfish bulletin is already negative. There’s nothing to worry about anymore by our shellfish, tahong raisers,” said Fatma Idris, BFAR 11 director, said last week.

The two areas were among those listed as infested with the toxins in the bulletin of the agency last month as it banned the people from eating all types of shellfish from the affected areas due to the high levels of paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP).

The agency also intensified its weekly red tide monitoring activities to closely track the toxins.

The occurrence of the toxins has affected the livelihood of about 150 fishers in those areas as most consumers shifted to buying vegetables and fish instead.

BFAR 11 will still continue monitoring all areas in the region to prevent another Red Tide incident. Idris said they are now extra careful to all shellfish raisers by ensuring their accreditation permits and in conducting regular laboratory testing.



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