THE Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) XI initiated the burning of about P14 million in shabu and other prohibited substances at the Police Regional Office XI Ground, Camp Quintin M Merecido, Buhangin Thursday.
Nephi Noli Dimaandal, spokesperson of the agency, said aside from the 716.3511grams of shabu, also burned were 27 kilograms and 11 hills of marijuana, 16.1075 grams of cocaine hydrochloride and nine prohibited tablets.
Dimaandal said the agency decided to destroy the illegal substances as its response to the order of President Rodrigo Duterte to destroy these dangerous substances.
He added that the event was part of the commemoration of the Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Week 2020 which had a theme “Better Knowledge for Better Care”.
PDEA XI Director Antonio Rivera, represented in the event by Director Mario Ramos, and Brig Gen Filmore Escobal, director of Police Regional Office 11 led the burning of seized items
Witnessing the event were Regional Trial Court Branch 13 Presiding Judge Rowena Apao-Adlawan, City Prosecutor Nestor M Ledesma, representatives from the Public Attorney’s Office, other government officials, representatives of civil society groups and members of the media.
“The burning of illegal drugs was also done to erase the skepticism of the public that there is a recycling of seized illegal drugs by the law enforcement agencies,” Dimaandal added.
He said the five pillars of justice system have collaborated and this “serves as a warning to all drug perpetrators that we are working hand in hand to suppress the supply of illegal drugs in our country.” he said.