Six public transport workers were tested positive yesterday in a surprise drug test conducted by the authorities in the “Undaspot” operation in at least two transport terminals in the city.
Lawyer Benh Joseph Tesiorna, assistant regional director of the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA), said three taxi drivers, two bus drivers and a bus conductor were tested positive for drug use.
Tesiorna refused to name the drivers and conductor and their companies pending the confirmatory test.
He said the confirmatory test is needed to assure that they indeed used illegal drugs.
“We will use the same urine specimen in the confirmatory drug testing,” Tesiorna added.
If the confirmatory test still yielded positive result, their driver’s licenses will be confiscated and they will undergo a six-month rehabilitation.
The PDEA, in coordination with Land Transportation Office (LTO), Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) and other concerned agencies, conducted Project Undaspot, under Oplan Harabas, at
the Francisco Bangoy lnternational Airport in Buhangin and at the Davao City Overland Transport Terminal in Ecoland yesterday.
Around 300 bus and taxi drivers and conductors underwent the testing.
The drug test was simultaneously conducted nationwide yesterday.