Thirty-three Philtranco passengers were finally allowed home after the 14-day quarantine at the border of Pasian, Monkayo, Davao de Oro last March 31.
The stranded passengers, including a one-year-old baby, were sheltered in a facility owned by the provincial local government (PLGU) at Lamdag Agri-Eco Tourism Farm.
A coordination with the respective LGUs were made prior to their release.
The three passengers were from Davao Oriental, one passenger from Davao del Norte, one from Davao de Oro, 11 passengers from BARMM (Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao), eight passengers from Region 12, and nine passengers from Davao City.
Prior to boarding, each passenger was also given relief goods, as well as a medical certificate as proof that they are free from COVID-19.
The two PUIs, one driver, and one passenger turned out to be negative of the dreaded disease after undergoing several tests.