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25,303 were vaccinated in 2 days

AN official of the City Health Office said that health workers have followed basic health protocols in the implementation of the Measles-Rubella Supplemental Immunization campaign.

Dr. Julinda Acosta, head of the Technical Division of the office, said that to ensure that these protocols are followed and that the employees do not get infected by the coronavirus, they are constantly being monitored for flu-like symptoms.

“We monitor their signs and symptoms. We also check if they are close contacts of a suspect or confirmed cases of Covid-19,” she said, emphasizing that they have also been provided with full personal protective equipment including masks, face shields, and gloves.

They have also minimized contact time between vaccinator and caretaker to less than 15 minutes.

She called on parents and guardians of children under the age bracket to have their children vaccinated in their nearest barangay health centers, health stations, and nutrition posts.

Only one parent or guardian is allowed for every child to minimize unnecessary exposure to coronavirus pandemic.

The city government reported that 25,303 children were vaccinated in the first two days of the implementation of the Measles-Rubella Supplemental Immunization campaign.

Acosta said the number, covering children ages between nine months and 59 months, was about 16.1% of the 157,178 children targeted to receive the vaccine.

“Imagine, for its first days we have immunized this number of children despite the increasing cases of Covid-19,” Acosta said.

Of the number, 9,567 were the Third District, 7,979 and 7,757 from the First and Second Districts, respectively.

Acosta was hoping that the intensified information campaign of the office, in coordination with barangay officials so that rural areas will be informed, will result in more children getting vaccinated.


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