Two former convicts and his cohort were arrested again for allegedly selling drugs in a buy-bust conducted in Doña Rosa, Barangay Central, Mati City, Davao Oriental on Saturday.
They were identified as Alexander Matiga and Noel Ponte, who yielded five sachets of shabu weighing at least two grams and with a market value of P30,000. They were arrested when they handed over P500 worth of drugs to an undercover operative.
Nephi Noli Dimaandal, PDEA XI spokesperson, said Matiga was previously arrested for violation of the Republic Act 9165 last 2017 and availed of the plea bargaining, resulting in his release last 2018.
Ven Ponte was also arrested for violation of R.A. 9165 last 2012 and released in 2018 after serving his sentence.
“Undaunted and unrepentant, they went back to their old ways of selling illegal drugs, and eventually got arrested again for violation of the anti-drug law,” he added.
The suspects will be charged for violation of Section 5 (Sale of Dangerous Drugs), Section 11 (Possession of Dangerous Drugs), and Section 12 (Possession of Drug Paraphernalia), Article II of Republic Act 9165 or The Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002.