Over a hundred of police applicants failed the neuropsychiatric examination.
The Police Regional Office 11 said 116 applicants could no longer proceed to the next stage of the process.
In the neuropyschiatric examination done last July 8-9, only 473 passed out of the 589 applicants who earlier passed the agility test.
Those who passed – 394 males and 79 females – will undergo the next stage of the process, which is the physical and dental examination.
The neuropsychiatric test is under the newly-launched Robust Neuro Psychiatric Medical and Dental System (RONMEDDS), a “fool-proof” system of screening police recruits free from human intervention of influence peddlers.
RONMEDDS is the initial phase of the screening process for police recruits to ensure that only individuals with good moral character and the right mindset shall be admitted into the police service by making the recruitment process free from human intervention.
According to Brig. Gen. Marcelo Morales, the police regional director, the applicants were bar-coded and their names were kept anonymous during this process.
“This is done to thwart the previous system of ‘palakasan’ and backer-system that was basically a form of corruption with applicants who failed the neuro-psychiatric and physical examinations being able to bribe for their names to be included in the list of those who passed,” Morales said.
Likewise, this also discourages “well meaning” individuals, both in the public and private sectors, from acting as “padrinos” of police applicants to facilitate their entry into the police force.
Under the new system, the medical results of all applicants will be stored in a computer database and the results will also be barcoded to make the findings irreversible.
Morales has appealed to the general public to support the PNP’s internal cleansing program by providing relevant information of any applicant who are involved in illegal activities or frequent misbehavior in the neighborhood. Reports can be filed at the PRO11 Hotline Number (09985987026) or through our Facebook Account (Pulis Rehiyon Onse II).
“We are doing this to ensure that only the best, good and honorable individuals become part of the police force,” Morales said, adding that through this process, the people are assured that all men and women in uniform are competent enforcers of the law and deserve the respect and admiration of the public.