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10th Infantry Division conducts medical and dental outreach in Davao de Oro

THE 10TH Infantry (Agila) Division celebrated its 18th Founding Anniversary by conducting a Medical and Dental Civic Action Program at the covered court in Barangay Tuboran, Mawab, Davao de Oro, on Sept. 3.

Led by Colonel Vince James Bantilan, chief of staff of the 10th ID, the Agila Troopers partnered with the Philippine Coconut Authority (PCA) and the Barangay Local Government Unit of Tuboran to provide essential health services to the community.

The event offered free medical consultations with free medicines, dental check-ups, and various other health services to residents of Barangay Tuboran. This initiative highlights the Division’s commitment to fostering strong community relations.

Barangay Captain Roland Gono expressed his gratitude to the 10th ID for bringing the MEDCAP to their community, stating, “We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the personnel of 10ID, especially to Major General Allan Hambala, the 10ID Commander, for bringing this MEDCAP to our barangay.” 

“This event is a manifestation that the Philippine Army, our soldiers, are not just for combat but also for service to the communities, even in medical health aspects,” Gono said.

Bantilan acknowledged the collaborative efforts of all participating agencies, emphasizing the importance of unity in achieving the program’s success.

He stated, “As we gathered here today, I am truly grateful for the cooperation of every agency who has lent their help in the success of this activity. We in the 10ID assure you that we will continue to serve our communities the best way possible.”

The 10th Infantry Agila Division extends its appreciation to all volunteers, local leaders, and community members for their contributions to the program’s success.

The division remains dedicated to supporting and uplifting communities, sustaining peace, and promoting development.


Photo courtesy of 10th Infantry Division 


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